Academic Programmes

Academic Programmes

Uganda Christian University offers a number of PhD, Masters, Degree and Diploma programmes which are designed to develop a cadre of professionals with integrity, power of critical inquiry, logical thought and independent judgment with a christian perspective. The programmes are offered in three intakes of September, January and May Semesters

Application is made through filling an application form obtained at a non refundable application fee at the Main Campus, Bishop Barham University College, Kabale and the Regional Campuses of Mbale and Arua. Application forms may also be obtained from the Diocesan Education offices of Busoga, Soroti, Ankole, North Ankole and Bunyoro Kitara. You may also download the application form from here and pay for it on submission.

Find a Programe
Choose an area of Interest

 Business & Administration

There is an urgent need, the world over, for more proffesional business persons with christian values. Pursue a career in Business, Acounting and Management at Africa’s Centre of Excellence.
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Science and Technology

The East African region and the continent at Large is looking to gross industrialization and mechanisation for a better economy. Pursure a career in Computing, Agricultural Sciences or Engineering at Africa’s Centre of Excellence.
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Uganda Christian University undoutedly has best the law School in the country and the region as a whole. Pursue a career in Law and International Energy Law studies at Africa’s Centre of Excellence.
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 Education & Arts

The future of any nation lies in raising and equiping her young with the skills and the right values. Pursue a career in Education,Languanges and Communications at Africa’s Centre of Excellence.
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Social Sciences

Uganda and the our region in general, continues to graple with societal disorders like child abuse, alcoholism, gender-based violence to mention but a few. We are in need of Christian Proffesionals in the area of Social Sciences.
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Health Sciences

The continent and Uganda in particular is in need of Medical proffesionals with christian values. Pursue a career in Pubilc health, Medicine, Dentistry and health administration at Africa’s Centre of Excellence. 
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Theology and Divinity

Uganda Christian University houses Uganda’s oldest theological School affiliated to the Church of Uganda. Pursue your calling to serve God in Theology, Divinity or Children’s Ministry.
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